The Science of Healthy Hearing Podcast

To refer or not to refer | Exploring the benefits of referring clients for cochlear implants

To refer or not to refer | Exploring the benefits of referring clients for cochlear implants

In this special episode, our guests Senior Implant Audiologist & Cochlear Implant Research Lead Dr Cathy Sucher talks with Jody French who is a Cochlear Implant recipient, exploring the benefits of audiologists and healthcare professionals referring clients for cochlear implants.

In this episode, you will learn

Why referral for cochlear implants is not as high as it should be

The first-hand life-changing impact of a cochlear implant

The power of cochlear implant awareness

The barriers to cochlear implant referral 

How to empower clients with the available hearing solutions

Dr Cathy Sucher, Senior Implant Audiologist & Cochlear Implant Research Lead

Dr Cathy Sucher a Senior Implant Audiologist and Cochlear Implant Research Lead at the Ear Science Institute Australia. Cathy has over 20 years of national and international experience in paediatric and adult rehabilitative audiology with hearing aid and hearing implant experience. She also has experience working in audiological research since 2002. Cathy’s current research project is part of a 9-month REDI fellowship and is on enhancing knowledge of, and candidate identification and referral for, cochlear implants. The project will develop tools to support clinicians in guiding their clients on their healthy hearing journeys. 

Jody French, Hearing Implant Support Officer & Cochlear Implant Recipient

Jody is the Hearing Implant Client Support Officer at Ear Science Implant Clinic, WA’s largest cochlear implant clinic. Jody is a cochlear implant recipient herself and is available to support your clients through each step of the hearing journey. As a recipient, Jody understands your client’s questions and queries as they consider a cochlear implant. Jody can assist with any information regarding the candidacy assessment process and funding options, including private health insurance and can share her experience of having an implant. 

Episode Resources

International Cochlear Implant Day 

“Only 10% of people who need a Cochlear Implant have one”  | Looi V, Bluett C, Boisvert I. Referral rates of postlingually deafened adult hearing aid users for a cochlear implant candidacy assessment. International Journal of Audiology. 56:919-925; 2017. 

REDI Fellowship Project

Podcast Season 1 | Episode 2 | “The Social and Emotional Impacts of Hearing Loss 

Ebrahimi-Madiseh A, Eikelboom RH, Bennett RJ, Upson GS, Friedland P, Swanepoel DW, Atlas MD. Factors influencing postoperative experiences in adult cochlear implant recipients; a multi-stakeholder perspective. Otology and Neurotology. 43(8):882-888; 2022.

Audiologist Hearing Implant Hub

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