
Jacob’s Cochlear Implant Story

"I struggled in business meetings"

Jacob experienced ear and hearing troubles from a young age.  Throughout primary school, he experienced earaches, and he was diagnosed with hearing loss at seventeen. He was starting his career as an apprentice, having to undergo a hearing test before commencing that pickup up on a minor hearing loss. Ten years later, Jacob experienced a dramatic decline in his hearing.

His success at work resulted in him being offered a promotion, moving from Melbourne to Canberra to start his new position. This is where Jacob began to notice his hearing loss, relying heavily on his lip-reading skills.

I struggled in business meetings.

As his hearing had declined so bad, Jacob decided to visit Lions Hearing Clinic and Ear Science Implant Clinic to see if he would be a candidate for a cochlear implant after seeing how well his friend’s wife was doing after hers. He was told his right ear had profound hearing loss, and as a result, Jacob received a cochlear implant in 2014. He continued to wear his hearing aid on the left ear while having his cochlear implant on the right for four years, receiving his second cochlear implant in 2018 as his hearing in that ear had deteriorated to a profound level.

Jacob is very involved in community-based groups, specifically CICADA. He offers his support to those who might be considering a cochlear implant using his experience to help them on their hearing journey.


Hearing implant journeys

Your hearing won’t heal itself, but we can help.
Could a cochlear implant be right for you?

Hearing aids help many people, but as your hearing loss progresses a hearing implant may give you the clarity and volume you need to understand speech again.

Hearing implants are life-changing devices that can help you hear sounds you no longer hear with your hearing aids, restoring your confidence and connecting you to loved ones.

Ear Science Implant Clinic is proudly Western Australia’s largest private hearing implant program.

Translating the latest research into surgical and clinical care with a comprehensive medical team including Ear Surgeons, qualified Hearing Implant Audiologists, and other specialists all dedicated to restoring your confidence, with appointments and surgery times to suit you.

Trust your hearing to the experts. Contact us and speak to people who have hearing implants.

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