
Training WA’s Medical Students

In 2018 alone, Ear Science trained almost 500 future doctors from UWA and Notre Dame.

Working with every WA medical student will ensure the next generation of doctors are benefiting from our specialised research and knowledge – and so are the patients they will one day help.

Training students is vital to Ear Science’s mission to help people with ear and hearing disorders through education, research, prevention and treatment.

Students enjoy hands-on interactive training, complete with simulation models, and first-hand knowledge from surgeons, specialists and a range of clinicians.

In some sessions, students also hear from a person with profound hearing loss about their experience with doctors, hospitals and appointments, helping to provide them with an understanding of how their own communication skills can impact a patient with hearing loss.

Past feedback shows just how much of an eye-opening lesson this can be.

“We’re in a unique position where we can bring together a variety of specialists to educate our next generation of doctors in the importance of proper ear, nose and throat diagnosis and care. This

is a brilliant opportunity to improve ENT care for patients in years to come.” – Sandra Bellekom, Ear Science CEO

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