
I rediscovered my love of music

"I couldn’t practise my music."

Anne started to experience hearing loss during her 20s due to inherited deafness from her father. As her hearing declined throughout her life, she began to struggle. Anne is very involved in the Deaf Community; with a diploma in teaching deaf people, a Master of Education from Melbourne University (Auslan) and her first-hand experience raising awareness of deafness since 1990.

Anne visited Ear Science Institute Australia director Marcus Atlas over 15 years ago about her hearing loss, where she heard about cochlear implants. However, she didn’t go ahead, scared of losing her ability to practise music. Anne comes from an exceptionally musically talented family.  She plays the violin, and all of her children play instruments. Her primary concern about having a cochlear implant was how it would affect her ability to hear music.

As time went on, Anne’s hearing continued to worsen, and so too did her ability to hear and practise the music she loved dearly.

I couldn’t practise my music.

In 2017, Anne decided to get her cochlear implant.  Now 79 years old Anne loves her cochlear implant. She has now rediscovered her love of music and the world of sound, enjoying the sounds of life.

Your hearing won’t heal itself, but we can help.
Could a cochlear implant be right for you?

Hearing aids help many people, but as your hearing loss progresses a hearing implant may give you the clarity and volume you need to understand speech again.

Hearing implants are life-changing devices that can help you hear sounds you no longer hear with your hearing aids, restoring your confidence and connecting you to loved ones.

Ear Science Implant Clinic is proudly Western Australia’s largest private hearing implant program.

Translating the latest research into surgical and clinical care with a comprehensive medical team including Ear Surgeons, qualified Hearing Implant Audiologists, and other specialists all dedicated to restoring your confidence, with appointments and surgery times to suit you.

Trust your hearing to the experts. Contact us and speak to people who have hearing implants.

Hearing Implant Assessment Form

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