
From real-world problems to medical solutions

A new wave of ‘engipreneurs’, or engineers who are newly becoming entrepreneurs, are being created right here in Perth.

Perth Biodesign brings together young biomedical engineers, researchers, professionals and clinicians to design new products to change the way health conditions are treated. In a challenging six month course, students learn every step of the product design process, from finding an unmet need to raising funding.

Course Directors and biomedical engineers, Matt Oldakowski and Intan Oldakowska, visited our researchers at Sarich to inspire our teams in their own product design.

Earlier in 2019, several of our researchers, Huan Ting Ong and Filippo Valente had finished the course with wonderful results. Filippo joined the team working on aneasethic projects, and Ting joined the team working on ICU/radiology projects. Ting’s team even took out the people’s choice award!

Find out more about Ear Science’s most anticipated production innovation, the synthetic eardrum: ClearDrum®.

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